organized bedside table

How to Tackle the 4 Most Common Types of Clutter

Whether you are making room for a new addition to the family or downsizing, de-cluttering is a must. We know how difficult it can be to decide what to keep and what to ditch. First, you have to understand just what kind of clutter is piling up in your home. Here are the 4 most commons types of clutter and how to tackle each:

organized bedside table

Clutter Without a Home

Some of your clutter isn’t actually clutter; it just doesn’t have a home. It could be mail you haven’t opened yet or books that are piling up because your bookshelf is overflowing. This type of accumulation is going take a few extra steps because it’s not about a ditch or keep pile.


You have to be a little bit more strategic in creating storage space. It may require buying a few storage bins, but it will be worth it to see everything in their rightful place. Clear and labeled plastic containers work for most items in the home whether it’s a temporary or permanent solution to your clutter.  Try to place your containers where they make the most sense. A small container for the mail should go wherever you normally drop your mail off when entering your home. A larger container can be placed next to the shelf for any books that won’t fit.


Aspirational Clutter

This type of clutter is the stuff that you buy in hopes to someday use. It’s just like the coffee table book you keep on display but have never sat down to read. Whether it’s the set of golf clubs collecting dust or the skiing wardrobe for that vacation that never seems to get booked, we are all guilty of making aspirational purchases.


If your purchases have started to pile up and you’re not using them, it could be time to find them a new home. Ask yourself questions like: Am I really interested in golf? Do I really plan to go skiing? Am I actually going to use this or that? If you say maybe or no to any of these questions, you may want to put them in the ditch pile or try to sell them.


Bargain Clutter

You may have guessed from the name, the type of clutter we’re referring to – bargains. If you can’t resist the urge to buy when there is a good sale and often find your purchases stacking high, you may have some bargain clutter. It can seem easy to justify a purchase when it’s on sale, but that doesn’t mean you should bring it into your home.


The best way to tackle this kind of clutter is to go through all of your items and determine what you actually need. If you don’t need it, put it in the ditch pile. Next time you see a sale, think long and hard about whether you are buying just because.


Sentimental Clutter

If you’re afraid to throw out your old baby blanket or your child’s first pair of shoes, you could be holding onto sentimental clutter. This is the hardest clutter to get rid of because there is an emotional attachment to these items.  Deciding what to throw out and what to keep may stir up some emotions.


Carefully choose just a few items to hold onto as mementos. Which items bring you the most joy? Always remember that getting rid of things is not getting rid of the memory. Determine what is really meaningful and what’s just stuff. It’s understandable to want to keep old love letters or birthday cards, but they don’t have to take up space. Take a digital scan and create a folder on your computer or a hard drive. You can reclaim your space while having the option to go back through them if you want to take a walk down memory lane.


You should also think about if the size of your house and whether the items that are filling it suits your lifestyle. Some of our clients, for example, are ready to downsize. With kids out of the house, they are typically looking for a home that is just for them. On the other hand, some of our other clients have outgrown their home as their family grows, so decluttering can help in the packing and moving process. Whether you’re interested in something bigger or smaller, Karen Cannon, Realtors can help you find something that is perfect for you.


At Karen Cannon, Realtors, we are local real estate experts for Dunwoody, Sandy Springs,  and North Atlanta. We live, work, and play here, and our agents are hand-picked for their connections in the community. Our clients know about homes coming on the market before anyone else.  And our highly effective marketing program allows us to shorten the number of days on the market. We’ve even put homes under contract sight unseen!


If you are thinking about selling your home, or are interested in moving into Dunwoody, Sandy Springs or the surrounding areas, call us at 770-352-9658.